Raltuk Kong Media ah Tar Colh Lo Ding in Col. Solomon nih Forhfial

Chin ramkulh chung raldohnak kong he pehtlai in online/media ah tar colh lengmang lo ding in CNA ralbawi Colonel Solomon Thangding in online biaruahnak (Vaurawng Zunthli) ah a chim.

“Raltuk tik ah media ah vikvik tiin chuah phung a si lo. Raltuk timi cu ning le cang (Maha-Byuha) tein a kalmi a si i, kan ral nih cu thawngpang pawl kha an hman chin tawn,” tiah Col. Solomon nih a chim.

“Media nih cawn (kai) phung a si. Asinain, atulio Chin Media cu an cawng (kai) rua lo ka ti. Phaisa lei maw an tuak cu thei hlah…phaisa in cun rak kan zuar hlah u,” tiah fak nawnte in a chim chap.

“Ralkap kan i tuknak hmunhma pawl media ah nan post dih colh tik ah nangmah pumpak nih ral na duh (ttanh) hna zong si kho, phaisa na duh zong si kho, mipi caah kaa zuam na tinak zong si kho. Mahbelte kan thihnak a si,” tiah a chim.

“Ral kong a si caah zapi theih in chim ding le chim lo ding hi CNA nih kan i ralring. Chim ding a simi cu phung ning tein thawngpang an chuah tawn ko. Thawngpang kan chuahmi tu rak kan hngahpiak u,” tiah theihternak zong a tuah chap.

Chin ramkulh chung raltuk kong he pehtlai in Chin Media pical deuh (Facebook Page ngan pawl) nih cun ral a thawh lio ah thawngpang an ttial colh tawn lo nain CNA/CDF ralkap pawl he aa naihniammi pumpak nih an Facebook cahmai, Facebook Story tibantuk ah (Laica) in an ttial tawnmi hmuh lengmang a si.

Cu pumpak nih an ttialmi cu Facebook Group ah ca a thlahtu (abikin, thangka kawl) website hna nih an tar chin lengmangmi atu ni tiang hmuh khawh a si.

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The Chin Journal (TCJ) is a small but passionate local news agency with limited income. Over the years, TCJ has played a crucial role in being the voice of the Chin people. We have strived to bring attention to the stories of Chin ethnic minority in Myanmar. However, like many small businesses, we have faced our share of financial struggles. The COVID-19 pandemic and the Myanmar miliatry coup in 2021 have severely impacted our revenue streams, making it difficult for us to continue our vital work without your support. This is why we are seeking donations to keep our news agency operational and continue providing reliable information to our readers. Any amount you can spare will be immensely valuable to us. To donate, click "Donate" button below. It will redirect you to the Donation Page. Thank you for your generosity!

Support The Chin Journal

The Chin Journal (TCJ) is a small but passionate local news agency based in Hakha, Chin State. Over the years, TCJ has played a crucial role in bringing attention to the stories of Chin ethnic minority in Myanmar. However, like many small businesses, we have faced financial struggles. The COVID-19 pandemic and the Myanmar military coup in 2021 have severely impacted our revenue streams, making it difficult for us to continue our vital journalistic work without your support. This is why we are seeking donations to keep our news agency operational and continue providing reliable information to our readers. Thank you for taking the time to read our request, and we sincerely hope that you will consider supporting us. To donate, click "Donate" bottom below. It will direct you to the Donation Page.